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9 Essential Oils for Stress Relief, According to Science (and the extent to which they can help)

9 Essential Oils for Stress Relief, According to Science (and the extent to which they can help)

Stress however isn’t all bad, to some extent it is like the experience of pain or fear that serves to warn us that something is wrong or not right in our lives so much so that if we listen to what our bodies are saying, we can make the necessary changes that will hopefully lead us towards a healthier lifestyle.

I have yet to meet anyone who does not recognize stress. Everyone experiences stress at some point in their lives. For some, it is a temporary issue that is easy to deal with. For others, stress can be a chronic problem that impacts every area of their life.

Stress however isn’t all bad, to some extent it is like the experience of pain or fear that serves to warn us that something is wrong or not right in our lives so much so that if we listen to what our bodies are saying, we can make the necessary changes that will hopefully lead us towards a healthier lifestyle.

I have always been fascinated by the unique design of essential oils to support us both on a physical and emotional level and how it has been shown in clinical studies and research to be effective in reducing stress levels and managing anxiety that is not merely placebo. Some components found in essential oils are uniquely capable of crossing the blood-brain-barrier (a barrier meant to maintain a stable environment for brain cells which is vital for proper brain functioning) which is a challenge even for modern day drug development because it prevents the delivery of most drugs into the central nervous system.

Nonetheless, because stress is rooted in so many factors, I make it a point to mention that despite the unique and fascinating capacities of constituents found in essential oils, it can only do so much. The way I see it, essential oils are like friends who can support you in your journey towards a less stressful life but is not the cure especially if the root goes much deeper into our belief systems.

However, I am also not one to invalidate how valuable support is for every person going through stress and anxiety. So, if you are struggling with chronic stress, I would still encourage you to try essential oils.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top 9 essential oils backed by science to be helpful for stress relief.

1. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil has been studied extensively and found to be beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety. It increases the levels of the neurotransmitter GABA, which has calming effects. Studies have also shown it can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, as well as improve sleep quality.

2. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman chamomile oil is known for its calming and sedative properties that can help reduce tension and stress levels. Research suggests that it helps lower cortisol levels in the body, which is a hormone associated with stress, as well as increase serotonin production in the brain.

3. Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot oil comes from the rind of a citrus fruit native to southern Italy and is often used in aromatherapy to reduce feelings of stress and tension. In one study, inhalation of bergamot essential oil was found to significantly reduce cortisol levels, leading to improved moods and relaxation.

4. Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil is derived from an Asian tropical tree called Cananga odorata, also known as ‘the flower of flowers’ due to its beautiful aroma and many health benefits. Research suggests it can decrease feelings of anger, frustration, tension, sadness and fear while increasing feelings of pleasure by boosting serotonin production in the brain.

5. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense has been used for centuries for its calming effects on both physical and emotional levels of wellbeing; research indicates that it may be useful for improving symptoms related to depression or anxiety disorders due to its ability to raise GABA levels in the brain. It may also help improve concentration, focus and clarity by lowering cortisol levels too high from chronic stress.

6. Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Sweet orange essential oil contains limonene which helps support healthy circulation throughout your body; this can help reduce mental fatigue caused by prolonged exposure to stress hormones like cortisol or adrenaline. In addition, sweet orange has energizing effects that can naturally boost moods when feeling emotionally drained or overwhelmed due to stressful situations.

7. Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil is known for its stimulating properties; research further indicates that regular use may help lower blood pressure while improving circulation throughout your body which can lead to better overall energy levels even during times of intense psychological distress or trauma-related scenarios such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

8. Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood essential oil has calming effects on restless minds; studies suggest it encourages quietness within your thoughts while promoting mental clarity when facing stressful situations or uncomfortable emotions like anxiety or fearfulness stemming from unresolved issues in life or past experiences you’ve had difficulty coming to terms with mentally/emotionally speaking (such as death).

9. Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver essential oil is derived from a grass natively found in India; research shows that regular use may improve sleep quality when dealing with insomnia caused by excessive worrying thoughts coupled with feelings of extreme restlessness due the constant release of adrenalin during times where intense stress becomes unmanageable without adequate outlets (such as exercise) available regularly throughout each day/week.

Essential oils are an easy, natural way to help manage stress and anxiety. Their calming effects have been backed by scientific research, which means that they can be trusted to make a real difference in your life. They work quickly, often providing relief within minutes of use. They are also relatively inexpensive and free of many of the side effects associated with traditional medications.

Additionally, essential oils offer holistic benefits beyond just managing stress and anxiety; they can also help promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. In short, essential oils offer a safe and effective solution for those struggling with stress or anxiety, and their use should be strongly considered by anyone looking for an alternative way to reduce feelings of stress or anxiousness.


Hi, I’m Des and I’m an entrepreneur, certified aromatherapist and Christian cognitive behavioral therapy practitioner. After leaving behind a 10-year career in the corporate world, I took my certification in aromatherapy and started Aurae Natura. My hope goes beyond providing you reliable and credible information about aromatherapy and therapeutic-quality essential oils but to serve you meaningful content that will also nourish you mentally, emotionally and  spiritually.

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